I stumbled upon this fabulous home store in Aix en Provence on rue Paul Bert called IV Home. IV Home means "for home." I bought a pillow case for my sun room that we are happily enjoying.
It's owned by an interior designer who has a wonderful aesthetic. The clean-lined, earthy shop with its concrete floors, stone walls and muted colors has pops of color everywhere and a nice blend of vintage, modern, antique, and industrial pieces. Looking back through the photos I wish I could buy so many more things for my place and my clients' homes. The prices were very reasonable and the woman who helped me was so sweet. If you are in Aix, I highly recommend you visit this shop.
Je suis tombé sur ce magasin fabuleuse maison à Aix en Provence sur la rue Paul Bert appelé IV Accueil. IV Accueil signifie «pour la maison». J'ai acheté une taie d'oreiller pour ma salle de soleil que nous sommes heureux du plaisir.
Il est tenu par un architecte d'intérieur qui a une esthétique magnifique. Le épuré, une boutique de terroir avec ses sols en béton, murs en pierre et les couleurs neutres a des touches de couleur partout et un beau mélange de pièces vintage, moderne, antique et industriel. En regardant en arrière à travers les photos que je souhaite que je pourrais acheter des choses tellement plus à ma place et les maisons de mes clients. Les prix sont très raisonnables et la femme qui m'a aidé était si douce. Si vous êtes à Aix, je vous recommande fortement de visiter cette boutique.
The rusty shop sign is so appealing to me There is something about color that evolves naturally from wear that is so strikingly beautiful.
This is the entrance to the shop. It's like a little cave but happy and full of a wide variety of wares for the eclectic home.
Isn't this ceiling light great?!
I would love to have that stone archway in my kitchen!
What is it about vintage crates stacked in a heap?

I wonder where she picked up this ENORMOUS light fixture?
Oh right...this giant light is originally from Universal Studios and costs quite a few Euros
Aren't these cups fun? I think they were just paper wrapped around glasses. Wonderful colors and patterns.
I love the variegated colors of vintage hardbacks
I always think these reclaimed piping and spigot racks would be fun in a boy's room
More pretty colors
I wish I could jump in and pick up half a dozen of these fabulous pillows. This shop is a great alternative to custom pillows. The one I brought home looks great and is so soft.
Tick-tock...who doesn't love an enormous clock?!
Did someone leave their handkerchief on the lamp?
Thank you IV Home for a wonderful tour of your beautiful store- à bientôt!
19 rue Paul Bert
13100 Aix-en-Provence
04 42 21 57 01
- Hours:
Tue, Thu-Sat 10 am - 7 pm
Wed 10 am - 1 pm
Wed 2 pm - 7 pm